What Is Your Country Dance Story?

Hello Country Dancers! And Happy Holidays!

Who doesn't like a good story? When it comes to country dancing if you are a dancer, I'm betting there's a story there!

What Is Your Country Dancing Story?

I know I have one and maybe you've already stumbled upon it already in my about page.

But this month's email features a great one! My new friend in the country dancing scene is Gregg Tomchick. This just sort of happened... his enthusiasm for his new found love of dancing has been fun to watch and I thought needed to be shared and inspired a new article on the blog. Check it out! There's also something called "The Streak" that you might want to know about!

Country Dancer Spotlight, From Surfer to Country Dancer! …and a Dancing Streak!

But what is your country dancing story? I would love to hear it! If you have a story to tell that you think will be fun & interesting to readers please send it my way! I'd like to do more of these "Dancer Spotlights" in the future. I already have a few friends in the dance community that seem interested, but I need more! If interested please send me a little teaser of what you'd like to share!

Country Dancing In Houston!

NEXT, and this is a biggie! I've also recently published a new round up of dancing venues for a large city area: Houston!

10 Best Country Bars and Venues for Dancing in Houston!

There's so many great venues there to go dancing. I got some help for this from a Texas country singer David Bridwell as well as Houston native and great line dance choreographer & instructor Britt Beresik. So Check this out as well!

The Interesting History of The Honky-Tonk!

As a bonus there's also a new article on The History of Honky-Tonks. This one is more of a history lesson, but I think has some interesting things to know! Also a reader of the blog made a great contribution to that one! Thank you Christine!

The History of Honky-Tonks – Surprising Facts You Need To Know!

Merry Line Dancing!

As we get deep into the Christmas season I know line dance instructors out there will be pulling out some special holiday line dances we only do around this time of the year. Last year I compiled 25 in a post. Check it out if you need some ideas for that. I've revised it a little and #25 is a new one from choreographer Bonita Malone! Thanks Bonita for sending that one to me!

25 Christmas Beginner Line Dances! Easy to Learn & Teach!

Southern California Upcoming Dance Opportunities...

For my local or not so local dancing friends! Here's some important dance event news!


Yes, The Edge is coming! March 10-12, 2023 will see the 4th Annual Edge Dance Event! I love this event and want to let you know you can get your tickets now! Click here to Register!

Besides all the workshops the Edge also features great dance competitions going on at night in the CRC Barn to challenge and entertain. In preparation for these, there will be some invitational competitions starting now! Here's the dates & locations!

Dec. 10 Cowboy Country, Long Beach CA (Saturday night)
Dec. 16 The Temecula Stampede, Temecula CA (Friday night)
Jan. 12 The Barn, Ramona CA (Thursday night)
Jan. 21 The Branding Iron, San Bernardino CA (Saturday night)
Jan. 27 Buffalo Club, Boise ID (Friday night)
Feb. 24-26 Northern California
(locations TBD)
Possible other locations: Moonshine Beach & Borderline (stay tuned!)

Even if you are not competing, these are great nights to go enjoy seeing some great dancers compete!

To see what this event is like, check out my blog post recap of it from earlier this year:
The Edge Dance Event – A Unique Country Dance Convention Experience!

And, as always when it comes to other dance opportunities & events or cool dance halls and honky-tonks in other places, please know that I’m on the lookout! Where are the best places to go dancing? Or what great country dancing events are coming up?

And, as a subscriber to my blog please let me know where YOU go dancing! I’d love to know! This might help me create the next giant exhaustive blog post for BEST PLACES TO COUNTRY DANCE in a city near YOU!

Thanks for reading, & Merry Christmas!


Note: If you didn’t subscribe and are getting this its cause you already connected with me and I took the liberty to add you to my list! BUT let me know if you don’t want to be bugged. I get that! There’s always an unsubscribe option.

Country Dancing Tonight

Hi, I’m Brian and I love country dancing! I am a single dad to 4 amazing adult kids and live in Fullerton, California. In 2016 I went through a divorce, and like many going through something like that, I was pretty devastated. In my journey toward recovering and moving on, a recurring theme I heard was that there’s hope! People talked about finding silver linings in things like this. Maybe you’ll do things and discover things you never would have before! Well, in 2017 some friends of mine invited me to go to a country bar where there was dancing. But this wasn’t just any country bar, this was the Ranch in Anaheim California! A very nice premier place for live music and country dancing. I joined them and had a really good time. And over time, even without my friends, I kept going just to sit, have a beer, and hang out. (better than being all alone at home). I wasn’t dancing immediately at all–that terrified me! But what I found was that just sitting and watching people dance was nice, even therapeutic. Something about just watching people dance was very cool. But you can’t be at a place like that too long before you try it out yourself. So began my journey into country dance. At first, it was line dancing, but then after a few lessons, I actually tried the two-step as well. There were some rather terrifying moments to that of course! But now, here 6 years later I have enjoyed many many nights of dancing. In that time I learned the basic Two Step, learned several partner dances, and now know close to 50 line dances and tried out hundreds. It has really become a very fun outlet and activity. A place for meeting new friends and enjoying some great nights of live music and dancing. Looking back, I would never have guessed I'd be so caught up with, of all things, dancing! But here I am, and I'm happy to have found it and all the things and people that surround it. And now to write about the discoveries and hopefully put out some interesting and helpful information about it is a bonus!

Read more from Country Dancing Tonight

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